Craft artist, Creative writer, Entrepreneur

Saturday 24 August 2024



    As I make my way home after a long, tiring day, I decided to take a path I would not usually take. Truthfully, I did not know what I may indeed see or what this path may turn out to be.
   The tall, slender trees on each side, created a beautiful shaded path from the peeping sun. The smell of ripened fruits as they had fallen to the ground and left glistening in the sun, can be smelled from a distance. The noise of the ducks in a nearby pond is lovely to observe as they gently swim around, with insects flying nearby but not landing. A few old, abandoned buildings show their weathered age in the parts that are left standing.
   As I get closer and closer to my home and remember all the steps I have taken, I begin to think to myself that maybe it is not such a bad idea to travel a path less taken.



   Walking along, I bumped my foot just because I had refused to look. I fell to the ground one stumble was all it took, life in this little mining town is always fast and busy. I jumped up quickly just to see what it could possibly be.
   It was a strange-looking rock just sticking out by the side of the road, and to my surprise, it turned out to be gold. With my honey-brown skin and my faded old clothes, I simply went unnoticed by all, moving around and doing whatever I supposed.I ignored everything and everyone daily, not caring about their turned-up noses and disappointed faces.
   To everyone passing in their big flashy cars, I was just the town's beggar with my few belongings and many little jars, I paid them no mind as I started to dig, and with a great big grin, I was dancing around and doing a jig.       When I got home to my little cottage in the woods safe and sound, dancing as I sang, just clowning around, so happy that my luck had finally turned around.


     Standing immovable and resolute in their naturally rugged suits, adorned with precious metals and gems that seem to make the most special of blends, they can be seen the world over ruling in grand style with the ability to bring out even the mildness of a child's smile.

     They are the mountains of old, faithfully standing bold, even sometimes gleaming with a little sparkling of gold. No matter who we are or where we may be, it is plain to see they are always a spectacle for all to see.With crowns made of clouds, bathing in sunlight, and royal robes as white as snow.


African queens

                           QUEENS OF AFRICA 
    As their beautiful skin shimmers with the sun, their smiles and charm can even win the hearts of the most solitary of men.
Swinging hips and steady strides only make one gleam with excitement and soulful pride.
    These are indeed the exceptional beauties that grace the African lands, dancing to the music of cultural musicians.
Heavy loads on their heads they carry, with the freshest of grains and the most delicious of berries.
Pleasant as it is to see these queens at work, and with the kindest of hearts, they are indeed of priceless worth.  
     The inner strength, beauty, and grace of these women reveal that they are royalty in every way. 
                ---- BLANE R BUNBURY 

Where Heaven Meets Earth

Where Heaven Meets Earth

Just beyond the invisible line
Where heaven kisses the earth,
I will stand, steadfast,
Holding up our hope—
The hope of love,
---- Blane R. Bunbury



I want to tell you a story—your story, from a different point of view.
I was you once, the you that you see now.
The one who feels weak, uncertain, and struggles to make decisions.But listen—
You will get stronger, smarter.
You’ll be kinder and bolder, with a heart full of laughter.Disappointments will come and go,
And people’s unfavourable attitudes will surface. But it will make your growth worth it.
You will make friends and have a blast, and even find it in you to forgive the mistakes of enemies past. It won’t always be easy,
To live a life that’s good and free,
But as you grow into me, You’ll see—
Life is good, sometimes crazy, but always pure spiritual journey to freedom.

---- Blane R. Bunbury



Your beard always smelled like tobacco or beer,
And whenever you visited, you brought me a gift—
No matter the time of year.
Hugs from you were like hugging a big, hairy teddy bear.You always tried to make me laugh,
Even when I wanted to cry.
Sometimes you’d burst into laughter,
And I could never understand why.You liked the simple ways of life—
A life with little worry or strife,
And your outlook was often strange,
Yet always uniquely yours.You were never perfect, but you always tried your best,
And I loved that about you.
I’m happy you’re part of my family,
Because my life with you, Grandpa,
Is filled with nothing but the best memories

----- Blane R Banbury

Tuesday 21 February 2023


               I AM HUMANITY 

   I am made of different colors, which are just as numerous as the many types of flowers.
  I am sometimes fast or slow, depending on the emotions I want to show. I always fight within myself, not knowing what to do; it's like I always have a different point of view.
   I love, I hate, I laugh, I cry, but I never give up, no matter how hard I have to try.
Sometimes I hunger or thirst, or I eat so much that I really believe I just might burst.
   I can be short or tall, sometimes big or sometimes small, but I enjoy the differences of them all.
  I think different act differently and believe different things, I'm full of  vibrational energy and spirituality, I am all this and so much more of these magnificent things.

 --- BLANE R BUNBURY                                                                                      

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Image mankind's search for a God chapter #1

    chapter #

      It's a very advanced time in human history, people can now take a look into the past reliving the everyday moments and lives of great men and women through the music and art, religion and politics, natural disasters, the rise and fall of civilizations and so many untold stories hidden under every piece of pottery or detailed images carved on temples and tombs leaving us a glimpse into a world full of superstition, magical arts, extreme religions that are based on mythology, human savagery.      

    Such a world can be very confusing to wrap our minds around it much less trying to understand all of the belief systems and traditional views and sometimes connected worship of the same diety.

    So ancient Mesopotamia many archeologists and historians have written about this, civilization and how its foundational structures became the basis for what we use in our cities and towns 

 From religious beliefs and practices, the way our governmental systems at work might be part of a larger group of universal customs that we practice as human beings who told us to build temples and worship at shrines do sacrifices and keep traditional festivals, who told us  about a God or creator or the existence of evil or has man been  both good and  evil  from the beginning.

Nothing  is wrong  with  asking  questions  however  who are the ones providing answers and how can we tell what  is  origin of such information. 

  Holy scriptures and fragmented  manuscripts along  hieroglyphics and bits of information  presented  by human  experts seems to be our only  links  to  a life of  belief in trust in a higher world of existence and Divinity. religious beliefs and theory when systematically developed can be  rightly viewed as a formal type of theology, but what about the cultural differences between tribesmen and women whose primary ways of living seem to never fit into the mold of our expectations and systems of belief.

  As we journey through the vastly ever changing world around us we take pride in the differences between us  unique and the same as one human family, from the dancing and singing, building the places of worship and sacrifices to the gods and goddesses, we even find tribes of humans who have no belief systems and it makes us wonder. 

   So we Ask questions that never get answered why are we here what is the purpose of this life, as we take a look at ancient Mesopotamia many archeologists and historians have written about the  culturally advanced society that once lived there 


Saturday 30 January 2021

New: book Title -- Image mankind's serch for a God


   Did we just happen to be? Or Did we get here by chance? Or maybe just possibly we humankind as we know it evolved and become what we are today a vast array of colors and shapes and stylish displays clothing each with their own flare and character,

    Each face tells us a story of a different culture, a people or a tribe that are so important to our understanding of humanity as a whole,  but how did it all start?does the idea of a deity explained it all as we know it or is it more a matter of animism  ( the belief that everything has a distinct spiritual force or essence attached to it) let us face this one fact the world as we know it is strange and complex, from ancient unexplained civilizations and cultures to morden wonders that science is still struggling to understand and explaine,
    Getting rid of preconceived ideas as we strive at searching for absolute truth can be a very difficult task especially when we have to start at the very beginning of it all to the starting point of mankind's early years with all its people group and tribes embracing their own unique belief systems, which later became tradition some of these systems of belief have Survived down through the ages, from music and choices of food to the structures  we built our view and understanding of education is all rooted and based upon the past in some form or another,

      Matters of  life and death, Gods, demons, angels, heaven, hell and the afterlife are all just a few  of the things people wonder about from time to time, no one has ever been able answer such questions as to why we get old and die and suffer through life from day to day wondering if the God we pray to hears our prayers or maybe we invented the gods as a way to explain to problems and trials of life,

   No matter how you or I conclude our understanding on such things one truth is sure we all have questions we all need answers and  the more we live the more we ask 

   In this book we will explore the depths of humanity search for and belief in "GOD"

Thursday 12 March 2020

in the clouds

in the clouds

    There are mountains as high as can be, as high as the eyes can see,
   with it's top in the clouds, stretching out across the sky where the birds fly and flock in a crowd,
   Their are trees  up so high, that they almost look like they are touching the sky,
   In a hot air balloon we ride up passing the trees on the air that is cool and sometimes ruff,
With clouds so close they can almost be touched,  
    Rain comes down from above in showers and heavy downpour,
As it's water hugs the earth the growth of life is true and pure,
  In the clouds beauty and prestige always seem to fill it, the sky really seems to be without a limit,

               Blane R Bunbury

pages in the tree

The element Of me

     I am as water cool and peaceful always flowing, under pressure as I going through life my steam rises up to the heaven forever going, 
   as my peace come over me i am as cold as ice settled in my decisions, movings forward on life's roads not minding the Distance,
   The fire that burns inside of me is as violent as can be, bursting out consuming all types of negativity, it lights up my way guiding me Through the darkness to true relativity, 
In a cold hate filled world with few and genuine friends, it has my all the way to the end,
    Like this air that passes through my life filling me with hope giving me just the freedom I need, to express myself with truth and honestly as if almost for the first time in life I can really Breathe,
   I am the earth itself

Thursday 6 February 2020

Happy time

    I always fell happy when we go out,  with mom and dad moving out and about, glad enough that i can scream and shout,
    To the park at the beach or our families' best picnic spot, it really matters not, when we all join in the fun never stops,
    We skip, we jump, we climb or run, just having a blast in the midday sun, going and going till it is all but done,
    Heading home was my saddest time all my enjoyment was now all done, i am happy 

Wednesday 16 October 2019

ageless treasure

Ageless treasure 


   I had to look twice as I only saw the beautiful woman passing through the crowd holding her hands up in the air carrying two bags in hand in a crazy rush somewhere fast, just a chance encounter with someone that cought my attention, I was just enjoying the view of his lovely woman  from my office window and how much she was an attractive older woman her dark brown skin and medium length curly black hair with a few gray patches in her hair was beautiful she was looking great to me, just my preference and liking "I  was attracted to older  larger women too since my  younger years  in my so this was a great view for me but looks isn't everything in a woman so all I could do was hope for our paths to cross somehow so I can have an option of getting to know her,

    I turned around and went back to working on my project as she was now out of sight that night I got home late hit the shower had dinner and went to bed early I was exhausted I had been working fourteen hours straight so I needed this rest, 

    I heard a knock on the door jumping me out of my sleep saying " good evening good evening " I looked looked through the flaps and as crazy  as situations can unfold I  noticed that the same woman I was admiring earlier today was knocking on my door how could this be, I asked myself I give it no further  thought and  just opened the door as asked may I help you " hi I am looking for mr. royland I am the new maid from the agency with ( the day home cleaning services ) I am the owner mis perth but we are short staffed this week so I do some the inspections myself before I as agree to a contract with any new clients " o ok nice to meet you mis. perth I am royland the man that called for your services yesterday morning please come in she came in and sat down I offered her a drink of water and we started discussing business I explained that I was bachelor living alone and my nature of business made it hard for me to clean my house properly because of being at the bottom of a hill all the dust from the houses and cars from the high hill always comes down to my house with the wind, At this Mis perth gets up and takes a tour of the house  as I continue to explain my situation and sits down again and begins writing in her file then looks up at me and says "with all that you explained earlier mr. Royland and with the size of the house we should be able to clean your home in one day whenever you may need our services so we have a deal sir" as she holds out her hand to shake mine all I can think of is her beauty "that will be all for now I will get started as soon as you are ready sir" at this left without saying a word I went back to my room but could not get back to sleep all I could think of was this woman was just in my house having a conversation with me  the very same woman I was admiring earlier just today, 

    I thought to myself I have to make an excuse just to be around her somehow so I went back outside and started  making a plan for her start date of cleaning my house to be the same day I take a day off from work so I next day I made arrangements for the cleaning to start hoping that mis perth would be the one making the visit and she wouldn't send out one of her employed staff workers to do the job,

  But as her car came in view in my driveway I saw a another girl in the passenger side with the company uniform, I opened and door and waited to see how this would play out,  as the women approached me I smiled  greeted them and let them in for a chat to find out how things will proceed mis Perth explained she will be inspecting the work for today since I am a new client, I agreed and let them do their jobs accordingly and tried to keep out of the way as best I can, I found ways of making myself busy so as not to make it seem too evident that I was observing mis. Perth

         I was Lost looking at her  from a distance when she caught me staring at her when I heard a voice say "can I help you with something mr. royland" She asked as she stopped and looked me straight in the eyes as I snapped out of my trance all I could think to say was  "no I am just admiring how easy you are making all of this seem" I answered trying not to make it evident that I was looking her over she was a good looking woman that took her work seriously from what I can tell, she had an english accent but she seemed very nice and respectful when she spoke, "I have been doing this work for twenty years now just after my last child was born so it comes like second nature to me but thank you sir for acknowledging to work I am happy when the client is satisfied with the services my business provides "you're welcome" was all I said because I was in disbelief that this woman was a mother with grown up children and still looks great and carried herself well for a plus size woman, in just an hour or so they had finished with cleaning the whole house I was getting nervous about her leaving because I was enjoying her talking with me even if it was just business talk but I respected her time made the payment and let her go not wanting to interfere with her other work related duties,  every  single week several different young girls came and cleaned the house from week to week all doing a great job , so I had no complaints about the services at all except for the fact I was not able to see mis letth herself

    It was the last day the month witch was always my day off I heard banging next door now to my knowledge that house was Still up for sale all because of the location down the hill and because of this the house was very low priced for its size and location [ everyone just preferred the view from the top looking across the valley ] so I went out to check only to see mis. Perth  directing the moving men as they helped her out her things inside the yard and the house about and hour after the men left

    I went over with my handyman toolbox looking for any available opportunity to be around her I was just smitten with this woman it was evident and I had to admit to myself that very fact, So I walked up to the house and knocked and heard her speaking in a distance "o who can this now I don't have time for answering the door I am just too busy" I quickly waited until she got to the door and was greeted with a surprised,  "hello mr. Royland is their something I can do for you I am very very busy at the moment" well I came to offer my help mis. Perth  as I know moving in can be a stressful situation I brought my handyman toolbox with me just in case but if you are ok I will be on my way and leave you to get back to your work mis. Perth,
      " no don't go you are a life saver Mr. royland please please come inside you stopped by at the right time I am so confused navigating this new house David someone has come to lend a hand" didn't know you had your husband mis. Perth 

 at that moment my heart sank is she married or is this man a relative of hers " David meet mr.royland my next door neighbour Mr. Royland this is David my brother he helped me move in" good to meet you David as I shake the man's hand I was thankful he was not her husband 

  I stepped in taking a look around and just then she pulled my up the stairs and to the bathroom " the shower door was is not  closing at all and I need to take a shower and go for my  grandson to pick him up from the chess club please help me if you can royland and thank you in advance my new friend" as she smiled and hurried back to what she doing  "no problem mis. Brown let me take a look at it my house is the same way"

   (as both houses previously belonged to the same family but when they decided to move they sold the  houses at the same time I knew  the family as worked for them for years so me and a few others were given the first opportunity to buy the house so I used all my savings and I bought the house) 

as I gladly got to work on the door

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Adventures of royland

Large love

   Let me tell you about the me and wife met for the first time.

    It was 1998

Thursday 24 January 2019

Untouchable lands

Untouchable lands

   Living with our feet on the ground,
even without looking around, we can appreciate that this earth is indeed profound,
   But the Hunger, thirst and longing for just the basic of our needs, never seems to be enough to stop some mankind's greed,
   So we fight for air sea and land,
whether or not we have a right to take such a stand,
   as millions die from hunger, war and the blunders of human care,  even with enough food for us all to share, still they are millions those who starve and live with constant pain in a life that is less than fair,
    So whether or not we try to understand, as if to run, or turn a blind eye or maybe  to take a personal stand, 
  it seems they are always going to be those untouchable lands.
                  Blane r bunbury

Thursday 29 November 2018

For you mom

    For you mom

    The best gift of my life is life itself,
Your love and care over the years has always been like a guiding light,
   Your wisdom and advice sometimes fell on def ears,
because of my inexperience and childish nature but I always felt your love, warmth and care,
   You tried to be everything a child can ask for, a teacher, friend, judge and protector,
    Even though I did not always understand your reasons for the way you did things, I was contented with the happiness that your decisions would bring,
  Truthfully  I will now and forever love you, and I Cherish our times together when it is just us two,

              Blane R Banbury