Craft artist, Creative writer, Entrepreneur

Sunday 24 September 2017

I am sorry

I am sorry

I am sorry for all the men women and children that had to suffer from war and hunger all because of human blunder,
   Constantly craving peaceful and stable times,  only to end up loosing time because of this ever increasing moral decline,
   I am sorry for the children being bullied for being different, or just because good opportunities were not sufficient,
   I am sorry for all the pain and strain being put on your brain, and for the stress of life that can cause even the wisest of us to act momentarily insane,
    I am sorry seems to be the only thing that one can say, to help each other to cope with the troubles and the sometimes unpredictable dismay.
                Blane r bunbury

The Land Giants

The land of giants

   Passing along Is just not an option for me as I gaze up at the majestic view as far as my eyes can see,
  I was in the land of giants which were  standing tall and towering over all there was no mistaken this at all,
   They are the amazing redwood trees with their thick beautiful rugged barks one can not helped but be filled with aw from the very  start,
    As I stand and stare up so high I can imagine the view from the top and how long it would take for the leaves to drop,
  These ancient natural wonders  only encourage my love for the natural world around me as I embrace with my heart what only my eyes can see.
                  Blane r bunbury

Friday 22 September 2017

Fragments remain

           Fragments remain

   Janey always tried to live her life in a blissful way, but then she saw her long lost love today,  who always  kept her heart and mind in some sort of disarray,
   She was always trying hard to get her life together
Always going no matter the weather,
   To love and then lose is not something one would readily choose, but sadly we all seem to be dancing along to the  Riddim  of our very  own muse,
  Sometimes she just tries to forget the pain and regrets and the constant stress that made her mind always seem to worry and fret, 
  Sometimes she  just doesn't bother trying to move on thinking she was finally strong, giving herself that final push to go on
  Despite the  tug of war of emotions that push and pull,
she is now finally happy again ever determined  to live her life completely to the full.
                  Blane r bunbury

Thursday 21 September 2017

In my eyes

In my eyes

It's sometimes strange to me that  from the very start  I can see art and beauty in the most unlikely of things from the very start,
    Maybe it's  that hundred  year old barn house  that has a look that is so forceful yet pronounce,
   Or is it that  family of ducks swimming In a line moving along in time as through in a Congo line,
   Perhaps it's the way that the trees sway on a Windy day filling the air with gentle music as the leaves quietly play,
    Maybe it is that old married couple aging gracefully, expressing love, warmth  and kindness so fearlessly
   No matter what it may be there is always something spectacular for me to see for in my eyes they are all just so beautiful to me,
                  Blane r bunbury 

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Adventures of royland the day i met a yellow tail part 3#😃

The day i met a Yellow tail part 3#

I had left the tribe's people and was on my to a jungle opening the very same path  I had use to accidentally find my way to tribe's people in the first place.
As  i was walking towards my truck I missed my step and had  broken one of  my ankles and to make matters worse I had Fallon in quicksand so it became very difficult to pull myself out of the quicksand. Shortly after however  to my surprise and shock an arrow with a rope  shot across my shoulder and someone shouting "grab hold  grab hold"
It turned out to be  galis apparently she had been following me for some time all the way from the old nepelang tower. and believe me I was very glad that she had followed me  so after helping me out of the quicksand  she help to walk back to her camp while we started to  make our way to the tribe's settlement  we were met by two of the tribe's warriors apparently when  galis  had secretly left and started  following me two warriors had been sent after her to keep her safe however this was done without her knowledge. So the warriors help me  back to the settlement of the tribe, by the time we reach the tribe I was already getting a fever because of my broken ankle so I was treated and given a place to rest, I was so tired and exhausted by this time that I just fell asleep by  the next time I woke up it was about twenty  hours after and galis was right there  crouching over sleeping on my stomach I was surprise that she had spend
her time nursing me back to health and keeping a watchful eye over me, she had taken a real interest in my wellbeing and I was truly appreciative of her for her caring personality.
    I was  grateful for the help and care so I began to speak with galis at length we enjoyed each other's company very much we would have our meals together and sometimes even sleep together in the cave.
  I was off my legs and resting for a number days before I could move around  with bamboo supports to help me walk,
  the tribe's people were very happy to see me moving around  I was a brother to some a son to others but I was treated as a friend to by them all.
  It was as if was home among these sometimes strange and ancient people I truly begun to see first hand the life and struggle of everyday ins and out of these people.
   I was amazed at how from the smallest to greatest could swim and even fish it was great indeed. As I made my way back to my cave to get some needed rest galis's uncle the Chief stopped me and asked me fallow him to his cave and it is then that he asked me to join with  his daughter galis's only cousin who also was already married to four husbands.
  I was of course very Happy to be worthy of such an offer
"Now I had already been familiar with the cultural and traditional customs of the nepelang ruling families and how the women are the ones that take more than one husband of the choices of  the men in the tribe" so as you can understand I very grateful for such a privilege but I was given time to consider the offer.
  So I returned to my dwelling place I could not sleep that whole night because I was worried about galis and her feelings towards me and even though I knew that  someday I will eventually have to leave the tribe's people and go back to my work and my homeland I was still tormented by feelings of guilt about the whole matter,
because I truly was attached and attracted to galis only so even though the offer that the Chief made to me on behalf of his daughter was an honour.
   I told galis about the offer her uncle made to me but as I was writing by words to her in the Sandy mud I could not help but feel guilty for even thinking about the offer so galis looks at me and tell to become her( half- arm ) which  Expression means according to my understanding of the ancient writings she is asking me to become her temporary husband so now I am really confused but also happy because I am going to be with the one I am truly  appreciate and care about even if it is only temporary so this according to  nepelang tradition.
   So I became her husband but I also had to  became the husband of her cousin also which I did not  mind because it was accepted by the Chief and the rest of the tribe. I was about to enter into the inner circle of the camp settlement I was greeted with songs and dancing of the tribe's warrior maidens that would normally go out with the men they went hunting or when the men warriors would go to patrol the boundaries of the tribe.
   I got a chance to see once again to see the dancing and singing of the children which I was now seeing and enjoying a second time. But this time my face was painted in a different way because now I was a tribal husband to two different women and I was temporarily treated as royalty for the duration of my stay. I was about to take a walk around the village to look at some of sights I was not able to see before I my special position as a member of the Royal family,
  It was great to get to see the treasure trove of cultural riches and hidden icons  of the Royal families who went before galis's family. as an archeologist and anthropologist
I was truly excited to see and learn because this type things and information  could not be found on any monuments or artifacts that has  been excavated.
I was taken along to a flat mud room that was maintained  by the women of the tribe it was apparently the place in witch their dead  was buried  and it was below surface of the ground witch also keep their families clean and free from infections by this time I had learned how to speak the spoken form of the nepelang language.
    About three month had passed since I was healing from injury and It had come time for me leave and go back to my work, I was asked to allow some the  the tribesmen to accompany me back to my truck located about one mile away from the tribe but asked the asked the chief to only allow the men to follow me about half way for fare that the tribe might be discovered by hustile outsiders and he agreed.
   I was feeling very unsure about where my next adventure would take me but I knew that I always had a place in hearts of the amazing tribes people.

Monday 18 September 2017

I bought the world

       I bought the  world

whether it is from China, Germany, North Korea or  Brazil, Mexico  or even Singapore It really does not matter any more,
   Teas cars and toys galore all that you  could be looking for,
   Shop till you drop or choose to stop or fill up your basket right to the top,
    You can really visit the world for shore just pick a line on each and every floor or walk around in each and every store, it's fascination galore,
   Get your blankets or scarves
Or your favorite sweet treat,
Or maybe an old friend you just might happen to meet,
   It seems you can buy the world if you want it all, just go down to your local shopping mall, and check out each and every shop going from bottom to the top because the shopping adventure  never stops.
                   Blane r bunbury


Growing old

                    Growing old

As an old man to me  looking at the world everyone and everything is so wild and free,  Children playing out of doors so young and free somehow makes me feel so happy,   In my good old days it was so bright and clear  well of course I did not have this enclosed fear,
  The fear of not fitting in with this new generation sometimes can bring me so much frustration,  But I always try never to despair,  as my family and grandchildren helps relieve my fear,  Growing old has not  always been easy Sometimes grumpy sometimes mad  sometimes a little bit sad but mostly glad,
   Sometimes it aches and pains when outside gets  cold but I guess that is all part of growing old,  A nice little fire will keep us nice, warm and calm with a good old story to bring on the charm, 
  Old or young I have had my fun
Now I spend all my time trying to take  care of my precious little ones.
                   Blane r bunbury

Sunday 17 September 2017

A single drop

A single drop

Sleep has left my eyes for the night I am again anxious and filled with fright,
  But this time I am anxious with hope, awaiting good news witch  helps me to cope,
  A miracle was about to take place  to welcome  the world's newest smiling face,
   A little angel  was about to be born being welcomed into the world just like the early dawn,
   I was the world's newest uncle
Wrap up nicely she was  just the cutest little bundle,
  I started to smile until I could not stop so full of joy I cried a lonely  single drop,
  Protect her I must in this world  that can be so cruel and unjust,
  Not always knowing who you can trust,
  My happiness cannot  ever  be stopped not even after I  have cried my lonely single drop.
                   Blane r bunbury

The nepelang man

The nepelang man

   My name is woogi standing tall like a tree I strive to be,
Strong and determined I must prove to be to protect and to  provide for my family,
   Religion and politics we have none, young or old we all live as one,
      Thankful for the life  that I live thankful for the life of my animal companions that I sometimes must  take,
     to live and survive  seems to be one of our only traits to  respect life, love and nature in this  our  continued fragile state,
   Kindness and compassion are what  we strive to show the ways of war we do not know,
  I and my people will live with true dignity and as simple as can be,
     I am a nepelang man and I am proud of it refusing to settle or to sit,
    I will  love and protect my family because they mean that much to me. and they love and Care for me as each time and season has shown to be,
                   Blane r bunbury

Saturday 16 September 2017

Journey to myself

Journey to myself

  Frustrated as I started to walk out alone and scared as I started to shout,
  This stressful life has taken its told on me relief from troubles and strife I cannot see,
  But little by little i began to see that the problem was all with me,
  I was  excessively worried about what could not be changed causing myself  undue pain and strain
Now optimism has become my  friend It's my constant companion around every corner and every bend,
  So as I look at the world  anew embracing a different  point of view to myself I will  remain true,
   Worried no more now choosing never to Wear a frown Keeping my happiness as good and  as sound,
                Blane  r bunbury

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Little Donny

Little Donny

Little Donny climbed up the tree just to see what he could see,
He leaps  from branch to branch until he ripped his  little cotton pants,
He climbed up on my shoulder and takes a seat to enjoy his favorite bowl of little treats,
  Giving him time and attention
Is all he seems to need as he plays up and down  taking little bits as he feeds,
He is the best pet monkey ever He's the cutest little fella and is just so clever.
As his day of fun is  all well and done he calms down to take his nap laying down quietly in my lap.

              Blane  r bunbury

My tribe

                      My tribe

   I love my tribe we live full and free always trying to see the world as it's ment to be,
Never caring for much in our lives has always led to the lack of  strife,
  Ever moving from place to place as the wind kisses our sunburnt face,
Always keeping our integrity  true to ourselves we choose to be,
  Elders clap their hands and sing of the bounty  that the harvest always brings,
As children join in the dance and song we all chime in and just sing along,
No one in the world is as happy as me because in my Tribe  there will always be a place for me.                      
                 Blane  r bunbury

Sunday 27 August 2017

The day i went to town

         The day I went to town

The day had come to go to town
And as always I was wearing a frown,
Boiling hot sun and dusty old roads always made me hold my nose,
   The smell of fruits ,vegetables and  the lovely spices, only made things worse by the very high prices ,
   Noisy smelly animals seemed always to be around, being sold and bought all over our small little town,
   Children running and skipping all around, old folks quietly sleeping not making a sound,
   As I hurry to finish my shopping and get out of town there was no need to have my continuous frown,
    Because despite all of this when the day was done, a day on the town can even prove to be a little fun. 
                 Blane r bunbury

Mr. France

Mr. France

Mr France always  loved to dance always moving around doing his little prance,
  He always seemed so funny like a chubby little bunny,
But one of the nicest people you will ever meet as you walk down any old busy market Street,
  All the children  would laugh and play with Mr. France each  and every day,
   Mr. France was an energetic old fellow who like to  play the guitar, flute and the cello .
  so the next time you are on a busy old market street Mr. France Might be the first person who you  happen to meet.
                 Blane  r bunbury

Sunday 30 July 2017

To The jungle

               To The jungle

Walking through the jungle was like a breeze animals seem to always have a life of ease,
  Monkeys jumping from Vine to Vine the little ones always playing no matter the time,
sloths hugging trees  here or there hanging around without a care,
  ants in a line all moving in time, always working hard moving around in the dirt and grime,
   As I stop and check them all, I cannot deny  the endearment of nature's amazing call,
   walking in the jungle is always  so much fun, despite the insects and sometimes me getting lost and  of course the unmistakable hot sun.               
               Blane r bunbury

Friday 28 July 2017

Losing Mind and time

Losing mind and time

It seems like we are all walking around in and out of our minds
And forever  continuously losing time,
Never minding what we say and do,people all around but not even wanting to look at you,
Everyone in a hurry to get nowhere fast doing their best just to barely greet as they pass,
We all seem to be so tightly tuned in and out of life
That they seem to be no end  in sight  for this Pitiful plight,
As for me not  having enough time to mind what's mine I hope I don't spend forever trying to safeguard my own little mind.
                 Blane r bunbury

Monday 24 July 2017

Market day

                 Market day

From the hill they come with happy faces walking each one taking their places,
Baskets full of food to share
Market day was finally here,
Coming and going all day long
They all seem to be humming along to some kind of song,
Stopping to greet along the way
All the women seem to have a lot to always say,
As market day comes to an end
everyone bids goodbye to their long time friend,
It may have not been the best day for everyone but they all shore know how to have some good old fashioned fun in the sun.
                   Blane r bunbury

Sunday 23 July 2017


                    Fire Fire

Fire fire burning bright
Fire fire giving us light

Fire fire burning bright
All through this Long cold night

Fire fire burning bright
Fire protect us all this night
With your ever burning  Guardian light.

              Blane r bunbury

The smiling Lady

               The smiling lady

Grandma Lindy was a smiling old lady Always hugging or kissing someone's baby,
Giving her time and attention to all with her around there was a happy face on us all,
She was gentle and kind
Until it was time for her to unwind, She liked Dancing from side to side just  doing her own little jive, with her walking stick tapping the floor she made her way to the door, Retiring to her room for the night
With her little candle light,
chipper and jolly as can be always smiling for all to see.
                Blane r bunbury

Friday 21 July 2017

babies are cute

             Babies are cute

  Babies are fun, babies are cute  they make the most of noise Even though they seem to be mute,
   They roll, they crawl, they trip, they fall, with them on the prowl there's never a dull moment at all,
    They look so cute when they sleep that you just can't help but kiss  their little feet,
   Babies are really truly cute especially in their little boots,
   Laughter always fills the air
As they play without a care,
  Babies are just the cutest thing especially if they try to sing,
   Forever beautiful and cute they will be, as we cherish this new member  of our family.

                Blane r bunbury

Wednesday 12 July 2017



"Butterfly flying high in the sky
You are beautiful no one can deny,
Butterfly on my window  sill
Looking at you is such a trill,
Butterfly  flying high and free
If only I could be as free as thee,
Butterfly with wings like golden dust Butterfly o how I adore you so much,
Looking at your beautiful wings as they sway butterfly I hope you have come to stay.

                 Blane r bunbury


                O little flowers

"O little flowers from the ground
You grow
You are so beautiful this I know
O little flowers you Bloom for all to see
O little flowers you make me so happy
You bask in the sun rain and snow
But still your beauty will forever show


             Blane r bunbury



Down the deep dark hole I went,
As I slid down this long descent,
I started to fair no one was coming for me
As I shouted help all aimlessly

Week and tired as I started to sleep
But I heard voices of people shouting out for me
I  felt a sigh of relief someone has come to look for me
Help help  I tried to cry out
Hoping somehow my week voice would reach out

Then I saw a rope coming down
And they all started to shout
just hold So we can pull you out!!
As I reached the top to see smiling happy faces greeting me
I was as  happy as can  be, being  reunited with my friends and family.

                 Blane r bunbury

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Yellow fellow.

Yellow little fellow

Touch the little fellow that is yellow,
Touch the little fellow that is
We we we can you see he is always smiling at me.
Touch the little fellow that is
Yellow, he is such a cheerful
Little fellow.



               Blane r bunbury


           The pumpkin patch

Walking  through my pumpkin patch,
Just  swinging my  little old cricket bat, As I walk through happily
All the birds come flying
down to eat, So as they start on their attack I begin to swing my little old bat,
Trying to chase them away you see ,because each of my pumpkin is very dear to me,
I can only hope they will just fly off Peacefully 
Leaving my work and me to be,
Wishful thinking I always say
Because from day  to day
they seem to always come out to play, So as I start another day on time even with a gleam of Hope and  sadness
I will be Protecting each of my  pumpkin Vines
Because to me they are truly  divine.               
                  Blane r bunbury

Sunday 9 July 2017

Adventures of royland - the supernatural woman my return

                     The witch
       My  return unexpected gift

I had returned to south America to see robin but this time i took the right way in  so that I wouldn't get lost this finding her house, I was excited to see robin and how much had changed but I also hoped the she was the same kind hearted person to knew and came to love, about fifteen months had passed and I had no idea what was waiting for me  

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Adventures of royland -- the supernatural

                       The witch

                 Unexpected love

I got lost yet again in a jungle in south America but this time i was passing through checking out some of the exotic animals and trees when i made my way to an open space of land with lots of swamps and beautiful stones I Bent over to pick up one  of the stones to check out it's shape and design up close, I was not paying attention to my surroundings at the time,   and  I got bitten by  a snake I didn't even know what kind of snake it was . I started to get all  disoriented and started  stumbling around i had  lost all  my food stuff  and all I had left  was  a half canteen of water so as I was  stumbling around to find a river or something, all  the while my body was getting more and more lazy from the snake bite  and in the process of doing so I blacked out.  When I regained consciousness I woke up to the smell of spices and burning wood and a strange woman standing over me, I  was still partly drowsy and just  fell asleep again but as soon as I woke up the second time  this  same woman asked me how I was feeling I replied I was feeling better but I was still confused as  to who she was and  how I got there in the strange  cabin with her taking care of me, so I quickly asked her to please tell me who are you? she  answered and said her name was Robin and she was a healer and herbalist  and that i was in  her home, so i thanked her for saving my life and taking care of me she smiled and tells me to relax  and just let her take care of me until I was able to move around. she said that  she was expecting me  I lift up my head and asked her if she was a witch or something  how could you possibly have been expecting me?   she just smiled  and laugh out loud at my question and replied that  she  was not a which, but that she saw me  from a distance stumbling around  coming in the direction of  her cabin and as I  collapsed on the ground that she brought me  back to the cabin with her truck . I however I was not so  convinced about her answer that easily after all the smell and look of  her  cabin was very strange with bottles of different colorful liquids and spices and leaves all over the place,  I was grateful for the help, But I was still curious about this strange woman however I accepted her help thankfully, and decided to stay with her until I was OK enough to move and be on my way.I was really enjoying my time spent with her after all she was a very beautiful woman and easy to talk to, I asked her how come she  was living alone so far away from the closest nearby town she immediately started crying and told me that she understood why I had  mistaken her for a which because her grandmother and one of her mother's sisters practiced which craft and as a  young girl she was expected  to learn it because it was part of her family's  tradition. So because of the view of  the people in the community she grew up in, she decided to live in isolation and makes money by selling her herbal medicine to people in the small villages nearby. I  apologise for making her uncomfortable with my question but she said that it was OK and wiped her eyes, I  of course was trying not to be judgemental about her background  and that of her family or her profession, after all I was a guest  in her home and she had saved my life the more I spent time with her the more I realize how amazing she was with healing and remedies for virtually everything. She was great at a lot of things From hunting for animals and fishing  to mountain climbing   she was just great, about a week after staying with her I found  myself  beginning to feel more attached to this  strange woman every day we would have long meaningful conversation and learn more about each other, after all there was not much more to do  other than just sitting around waiting to get better, so I asked her if she ever had a family of her own she laughed and said she has a  eleven year old  daughter who stayed with her mother in the city in order to go to shcool and that she visited from time to time.  she then asked me about my family all I told her was about my ex wife and of my  bad love life  so we both started laughing and continued to drink   some of her homemade wine which was amazing a little bit too sweet for me, but it taste amazing never the less.we talked to early hours of the morning  until we fell asleep, when I woke up she was laying on my chest fast asleep I was fascinated with this woman not only did she save my life but she took a liking to me very easily.  As  the day went on I tried to make myself useful around the cabin and to get some exercise as she drives out to sell her herbal medicine in a nearby village, I started to snoop around looking to see what  and if I could learn more about her and I stumbled upon a skull turned upside down I almost drop it out of shock but i quickly put it back before I did something I would regret later when she came back in the evening she immediately came and checked out my  hand that had been bitten by the snake, the swelling and redness was not as bad as a week ago when we met but still painful she changed my bandages and went to making dinner for us, as robin  Bent down on  the floor she picked up the skull and asked me if I moved it I stuttered yes  and that I found it  while looking around and as i looked at her face  i saw  she was very angry that she started to break things all the time not saying a word to me and she just turns to me and started crying and shouting "yes OK  yes I am a witch  at least I use to be one as a teenager my grandmother made me practice the magical arts from a young age and I was very good at it but I hated the way people looked at us like we were evil, I had no friends and no normal life so I gradually moved away from that part of my family. the skull you found belong to my great great grandmother who was a great white witch and a healer to many people in her time, but when she died my great grandmother ,my grandmother and my aunt wrote a spell on the skull so that is why I have been keeping it all these years because it means a lot to my family when I saw that you found it I  thought  that  you would you get disgusted or even scared of me and  that you would want to leave and continue on your journey  I am just tired of people keeping away from me because of misunderstanding me so that is why I got angry when you  had found the skull " I apologize for snooping around and told her that I had never planned on leaving  even if you was a witch, and that I was an open minded person I admitted that I was  shocked at first because I had never met someone like her before Then she calmed down. I explained that I liked staying with her in the cabin, as we had  our dinner later that night, she looks over at me and just pounced on me and started kissing me and the feeling was the same for me as I had fallen in love with this strange  but amazing woman I ended up spending tree more weeks with her going out from time to time to check out the nearby forest as I  had really loved the outdoors. but I still had to go back to my archaeological work, the day I was about to leave her we spent the whole day in each other's arms just doing nothing but eating bits and pieces of fruit and  enjoying each other's company, I decided to leave at night because I wanted to see the nearby villages at night so we derived from the cabin to all the nearby villages stopping at different spots enjoying  some of the culture of local we enjoyed many foods and local wines from across South America at one of the nearby trading hubs. afterwards that I decided to stay with Robin for a few weeks more we spent time getting to more about each other and gradually I loved her even more it was like we were meant for each other Long lost soulmates who had finally found each other I was interested in getting to know her daughter and hopefully becoming apart her life as well about two months more had passed and I finally decided to leave we Left early one morning and headed out to the nearest transport station as me  and Robin  reached a transport station we hugged, kissed and said our goodbyes as I promised to see her again as soon as I am back in south America, and I left for my next work project. 

Monday 26 June 2017

Adventures of royland - trees

              - ON sacred Land -

                        The trees


I had received an invitation from  one of my  archaeologist  frinds to help her out with a new discovery found in the amazon rainforest of a partly standing structure with nepelang markings on its base and inner walls so that she can get permission from the local government to be able to  have an  organized dig started.
     I was only given the directions of how to get to  this monument in the amazon but which path to take was not told to me, so i was off to my new and exciting adventure to explore this nepelang monument, as soon as I arrived I made shore of checking my maps and outdoor gear all was ready and set  for me to make the long walk to this monument.
About two hours in a came to an unmistakably strange set of trees cut off at the stumps  so since it was not going to take me away from my predetermined destination I decided it would not hurt me to walk through and check them out as I passed. But as soon as I placed my first step on the edge of the first tree an arrow shot across me making a deep cut on my right shoulder so I stopped as I realize I had just done  something very wrong my passed experiences with ancient civilizations and cultures have thought me to always be careful about disturbing or damaging important monuments. I had no idea what this was all about but was soon about to find out what exactly I had done wrong.
    At this point I am  in a lot of pain in my right shoulder  because of the arrow that hit me,  but I still try to reach out my hands up and out to show I have no weapons of any sort  but the tribesmen shouted at me  in some strange language, and it's at this point  that I got a  surprising shock,
    A man was  coming up from underground from  under one of the trees and telling me to be calm so I quickly ask him what did I do to cause the tribesmen to shoot arrows at me he explained that I had stepped on sacred ground and it was forbidden for an outsider to be on their land, I quickly apologize  for the misunderstanding and I was invited to join them in their underground home, now I was excited not only was I about   to experience an amazing way of life but to interact with a totally new tribe of people
  As we got inside I was treated for my  injury  by one of their tribe doctors using some sort of pounded tree bark, it was then  I am  introduced to the chiefs of the tribe which was the man I met earlier and his brother, they ask me what was my  reason for being out in this part of the forest I explained that I am an archaeologist  and that I  was hoping to explore   a nearby ancient monument  so they said that they knew of a large structure  that was up river and that  it's the only large  structure along the river and that it may be what I was looking for, and that I just needed to follow the the river and I would eventually get to it.  I ask  them how is it that they speak English like me then  one of them  explained to me that "we  trade the skins of animals with the  outside buyers on the mainland and they would trade spices and oils with our people so the language after a while became popular to us  and easy to speak", so I then curiously asked how is it that tribes people lived underground   I am told that the trees and the ground is all sacred  ancestral land and that "Many years ago outsiders came to the land to get the medicinal tree bark and plants that the land produced we tried to keep them away from desecrating our ancestors land but they still came and again and again trying to cut  from the trees, fighting over  the land broke out between the two peoples  and both sides took losses, so finally we decided to cut off the top of the trees to prevent the outsiders from coming back and  ever take any thing from our land again and we  decided to dig a set of large underground tunnels in the ground directly under each tree and that is how the tribe survived all these years  with out any outside influences"  so I was given a brief tour of the tunnels  Underground and it was an amazing spectacle They had everything from water and food to separate isolated  Chambers for sleeping and even  burying the Dead  and with  small areas for  plants and cooking they explained that for bathing they used the river or sometimes they collected rainwater and would clean themselves underground if is that the river  became occupied with outsiders, one of them told "we don't hate outsiders we never did but our people and our land is very  important to us and  to keep us safe we limit our dealings with them" I explained that I understand the value of their reason. I was told that for meat that they hunted  in the nearby forests and that is how they got there meat and animal skins for trading. I was allowed to spend time with them until my injury had healed enough for me to take my  leave and be on my way , but  I was not granted to take any pictures of their lives or location  I was happy to accept this because it meant I would be allowed to have knowledge about a people I never knew existed. I was given two unmarried women to tend to my needs for it was against the their tradition for a married woman to take care of a man other than her husband or her father if he no longer has a wife,  as time went on for about two  days  one of the tribeswomen that was tending to me  took a  liking to me,  and as excited and pleased  by whole prospect of a beautiful tribeswoman becoming mine, I knew it was probably not allowed, as it was explained to me  it was not accepted among them, and was   forbidden for someone outside of the tribe to  be married to one of their own as this keeps the bloodline pure and the identity of the tribe safe and it brings honour to their ancestors.  I respectfully explained that it was never my intention to interfere with their cultural tradition  and i thanked them for explaining their way of life to me, as two more days had passed, it was time for me to take my leave of this amazing people as I was about to be on my way  I was given medicinal  tree barks and plant roots and told how to use it if  and when needed . I said my goodbyes and headed out because I still needed to get to the nepelang monument up river after all that was the reason for my trip to the amazon forest in  the first place so I left the tribespeople and begun my long walk once more.

Adventures of royland- stone love

Looking for stones
and finding love
    Part one

Sunday 25 June 2017

Adventures of royland -hot*2

Trip to volcano island
            Part two

I immediately asked for permission to explore the island
But one of the elders tells me I will need permission from the Chief so I respectful request for a meeting with the Chief of the tribe so I  was allowed to see the Chief who happened to be a woman and last remaining member of the warrior clan I was asked to sit facing the Chief and bow as a sign of respect so the Chief tells me" I am hakto nela  Chief of the smoke nepelang  tribe so I ask if I can be allowed to visit some of other parts of the island  and the other parts of structure we were in I was told only if I am accompanied by one of the  tribe members so I happily agreed to the terms .
So as I was led outside to the  other inner parts of the building and I got to see some of older artwork and writings of the tribe.
As we got outside  I immediately wanted to visit one of the nearby cave systems so  as we got closer to the mouth of the cave  i lost my footing and slipped into a crack in the side of the cave unfortunately the tribe member who escorted me  was too old to come down and get me out so he tells me he is going to get help,  so now I was trapped and lost in a part of the cave  and  I had no way of understanding how to get out. But as I walk around  checking to see if I can find a safe way out I see painted art all over the Walls of the cave but somewhat more primitive in style  than the the building in the middle of the island. As hours passed and I am still wondering about a way to get out of the cave  I finally get rescued from two of the elders and some of warriors,
But I was so  exhausted that I must have blacked out when I become conscious of my surroundings and realized that I was with one of their healers and a tent away from the tribe, I tried to get up  but I was too week to do so because I had no food or water in the cave I was trapped in  so dehydration seemed to be one of my problems but as  I saw the healer coming over  to help me I grabbed her arms and tried to pull myself up but she told me  to be still and rest that she would take care of me she brought me a hot water like liquid and told me to drink slowly as I drank it I felt more alert and strong, I had noticed that she had European facial features so I just ask her why she stayed away from the rest of the tribe she explained  "her people are slaves to the nepelang people.
And that they had come  to this island  hundreds of years ago on ships  exploring the island but my people got greedy when they saw the gold on the island they tried to take  it for themselves but the nepelang people tried to stop  them,  when my people first arrived on the first day, the tribe's chief  at the time sent a small child with flowers to meet them  to see if to see if they had come in peace but they pulled out weapons and killed one of the tribe's people  and and small avoidable war started it got worse when my people saw all the gold  on the structures and different part of island and they tried the take it by force many people lost their lives on both sides

The gold was very important to the tribe and  they used  it in the building of their homes  but eventually and my people lost we were asked to help the tribe as punishment for starting the conflict,  but my people my refused and were turned into slaves we had medicine and were forced to treat the tribes people we thought them to speak our language  as a way of communicating with each other more freely   and that is the way it has been for all these generations  as told to me by my parents and grandparents they don't treat us badly  anymore and we interact with them peacefully but we are still not allowed  to live with them"
     So I asked if she had a name she said her name was Lisa
So I decided to stay with Lisa for some time after all my crew was safe  back with the tribes people
As she treated me and I got better we spent some of the time getting to know each other we exchanged stories and enjoyed each others company but I wanted to see more of island and she agreed to help me to  learned as much as i can she took me to  every major point on the island days later we  eventually are joined by my crew and we took samples and pictures of everything except for the people  as a way of we agreed to keep the fact that they are living on the island a secret.  
    So i requested to see the Chief and I was allowed  to see her again so I asked her respectfully if she would consider allowing the people of the healer and his people to live together she  answered me and said and that the mistakes of the passed generations should be left in the pass and that she  saw nothing wrong with mixing the two peoples. So the people of the healer Lisa who lived in caves on other side of island came and started to live with the nepelang people in peaceful dwellings for the first time,we had spent over a month with this newly created tribe the Chief now says to all the tribe will forever be known as the free nepelang and together  they will build a strong and new tribe.
    So as it was time for me and small crew to leave the island I asked Lisa if she would come  with us to see some of the outside world beyond but she declined the offer explaining she was the only healer left of her people as was her  mother and grandmother before her she kissed me  on the  cheeks  smiled and thanked me for making her life so lively the passed few days.
    As we are about to leave we are given food and a type of local wine of the tribe for our trip by the Chief, the Chief tells me we are welcomed to island anytime as long as it is just me and my  crew. and we agreed.
so as we say  our goodbyes  to the island and it's people and as  we walk to our boat I know to myself that  we will never forget  the memories we made.
     As we set off to the boat ready to head out to sea we heard a voice shouting from the island only to turnaround and see Lisa running towards us grasping for breath she explains to me how she given

Saturday 24 June 2017

Adventures of royland-hot*1

         Trip to  volcano island
                Part one

I was heading out to sea once again  but this time  not  for the fish or the ocean view but to look for an island lost to history, it was nicknamed volcano island because of having many small volcanoes taking over the island surface,  and  that a possible tribe settlement still lived there after all these years really excited me, I did not know if they are of the nepelang  people or not but they  are said to be good with their hands and have a rich cultural  lifestyle  and are a very advanced people I wanted to do own experiment with the island.
    I was  very excited about getting to the island and doing my own investigation of  it's tribe's people  , as  my digging crew and I was about thirty minutes out when we saw smoke ascending and what seemed to be old stone walls so we knew that it was still inhabited by people. however we had no idea of knowing if they are the kind of people to be  violent or welcoming to strangers but we were about to find out,
As  soon as we step foot on the beach we saw a little girl coming towards us with flowers in her hands to meet us. At first I  was confused as  to why a child will be running out to meet us but I knew from past  experiences Situations like this can be a test of some kind  from the tribes people for first contact situations, or it can be dangerous trap leading to an ambush of some sort, so I  knelt down to the  small child and accepted the flowers and smiled and I told my  dig crew to do the same .
    And then the islanders came out to meet us with  Spears in one hand and baskets  full of fruits  in the other hand and saying welcome  to us, in our own English  language  but more like a Victorian old style of English they sounded strange saying it with their tribal slang, but we became so relieved that  they are a friendly kind of people,  they now stepped aside for their elders to greet us who  explained that we needed to get inland, away from the sea as they lived  in the middle of the island, as we got closer to the middle of the island  to the settlement  of the tribe I notice that their home was a large  building with some partial nepelang markings. And just as I was getting excited  We were told to stop and wait and follow what  the  elders say.
so I told  my crew to jut follow everything that they are told to do so as  not to needlessly offend anyone,
As we go inside the building I noticed that the we started to walk slowly down a slope,
as it turns out  the building was designed with a slope for a reason as I later learned it was to help gather rain water which was very valuable to the tribes people because of the  continuous hot temperatures of  the island water gets easily evaporated on the island's surface
So they catch the water as the rain falls and would allow it flow down to be stored underground.
     As we get all the way down to my surprise there was a extremely large structure Underground full of rooms and compartments with gold writing on the walls all the way down on both sides as far as can be seen  these people were  more advanced than I thought and without a doubt it was all nepelang language and cultural markings all over  I was very excited to see and learn more.


Adventures of royland - y tail*2💦👍🦷🦠❣️

   The day I met a yellow tail
                   Part two c

as soon as I  had a better understanding as how these people came to have this yellow tail.  I decided to  asked the Chief why I was  being tied up with the Vines he explained to me his tribe had  met an outsider before  but he tried to trick them  saying that he  came in peace but  all he was really after was  our green rocks .

Now apparently this green Rock was nothing but large natural raw uncut jade stones that was all over  the land even what appeared to be the ceremonial sitting stool of the chief was nothing but a large polished  nicely shaped  jade stone and even the tribes people had a small Jade stone around their ankles fastened with a piece of leather, so it was obvious that this jade stone or green rock as they called it was something very valuable and ceremonially important to them .
  So I immediately explain to the chief  and to  all his people who were now all staring at me because of thinking that I was a  thief or  deceiver, that I came in  peace and I  have no knowledge of your  tribes existence before today, and I did not wanted any of their green Rocks and I  promise to keep it a secret from the rest of the world.
   But the Chief explained to me
that in in order for me to be  allowed to leave they will  have to  keep me there for some time in order to test me to see if I was  trustworthy or not I agreed to stay and they untied my hands.
So I was put to sit down on the ground  and they give me water to drink now the woman I had met earlier whose name was galis as I had just learned came over to me and told me to stand up and follow her, so I did and she took me into the chief  who happened to be her uncle and her only surviving relative.
  I was told to sit down facing the chief  so I obeyed her, after all I really wanted these people to trust me so I did as I was told, food was  brought  to me to eat.
    It was a staple diet consisting of roots  Berries fish nuts and large lizard meat was all that they would eat ,so I eat the same thing  not wanting to needlessly offend anyone.
  So as the hours went on I was  allowed to visit around the village and interact with the people who are more trusting with me now that the chief and  their princes had accepted me as time went in me and the princess got to know each other a little as she followed me all over explaining everything about her people and their isolated culture. by the end of the second day I was playing with the children and learning about art and having my face painted and dancing along with them even though I did not know how to  sing in the nepelang language I definitely enjoyed the music and dancing.
  the chief had sent for me indicating that time had come for me to leave them and go back out to my own people and  that I had proven to be trustworthy.   and at that very moment I felt like i had really made a connection with these people but I knew that I had to  leave at some point so as I was about to leave galis comes up to me and kisses me and hugs  me in front of her uncle and started crying  and I smiled because  this was the  very same woman who tried to kill me the first time we met, so I said my goodbyes and I left them trying my best not to cry so galis walks with me as I go back the way we had come in, she followed me all the way to the Base of the tower that we met at we hugged and we  kissed and as I walk away I started to cry a little knowing that it was the last time I will ever see galis and her people  and that was the end of my  very enjoyable  adventure, with the lost tribe of the yellow tail nepelang people .

Friday 23 June 2017

Adventures of royland


                          Chapter one 

    Dense jungle pressed close, the humid air thick with the scent of rain-soaked earth and the whispers of ancient secrets. I clung to the rough stone of the Nepelang tower, my fingers aching as I pulled myself up with all my strength, each step a battle against the slick surface Covered in vines and moss and dead leaves, The rain had just fallen,  the ancient stones treacherously slippery, but I pressed on, driven by the need to decipher the secrets of the  walls. As an archaeologist and anthropologist, this was my life’s work—unearthing the lost stories of forgotten civilizations.Near the top, I spotted a shadow in an opening that appeared to be a window. My heart quickened. There was no record of anyone living in these ruins—after all, the Nepelang civilization had vanished nearly eight hundred years ago. Curiosity overwhelmed caution, and I leaned in to peer inside. What I saw sent a jolt of disbelief through me: a large woman, bathed in the golden light streaming from the opposite side of the tower, sat calmly as if she belonged there.I knew no one was supposed to be here. The Nepelang people were long extinct—every text, every artifact, pointed to this undeniable fact. Yet here she was, a living, breathing enigma. Without thinking, I hoisted myself through the window to get a closer look.The moment she saw me, her calm demeanor shattered. With startling speed, she hurled a spear in my direction. It whistled past my ear, embedding itself in the wall behind me. My heart pounded as I raised my hands in a gesture of peace, trying to convey that I meant no harm. She spoke then, her voice sharp and commanding, in a language I recognized instantly—the ancient Nepelang tongue, thought to be lost to time.It was impossible. My mind reeled as I stood there, mouth agape. The Nepelang people were gone, only their ruins remained, and yet I understood her words, though I could not speak them myself. I had spent years studying their inscriptions, piecing together the puzzle of their culture, but never did I imagine I would hear their language spoken aloud.She told me no one was allowed in the tower but her people. Her people. My confusion deepened, but before I could process the implications, she turned to leave, commanding me to follow. As she did, something caught my eye—a tail. She had a tail.I must have stared too long, for she snapped her head back, eyes blazing with anger, and shouted at me to stop, saying it was a grave disrespect for anyone but her father to look upon it. My throat went dry as I nodded, silently chastising myself for my lack of discretion. But I followed, my mind spinning with questions, my disbelief warring with the undeniable reality before me.We descended into the heart of the ruins, and as we emerged into a vast clearing, I saw them—dozens of people, all with the same small yellow tails, all bowing deeply as the woman approached. It struck me then—she was not just a woman. She was royalty. I was in the presence of a queen, perhaps even a goddess among these people.The chief of the tribe, a towering figure with a solemn expression, stepped forward, holding a bamboo rod with an air of authority. Before I could utter a word, the warriors seized me, binding my hands with vines that bit into my skin. Panic flared, but I forced myself to stay calm. With my toes, I scratched a message into the muddy ground: I come in peace.The chief’s eyes narrowed as he read my message, then he asked me, in the ancient tongue, how I knew their language. I explained, as best I could, that in the world outside, scholars had been studying the markings of the Nepelang people for centuries. His gaze darkened as he listened, and when he spoke again, his voice was heavy with sorrow.He told me that his tribe had been cursed, cut off from their ancestors for the sin of having a tail. My heart ached as I realized the depth of their isolation, the pain of being separated from their own history, from the world that had forgotten them.As I stood there, surrounded by the living echoes of a lost civilization, I knew my life would never be the same. I had found the Nepelang people—not as relics in dusty tombs, but alive, hidden away from the world. And now, I had to find a way to bridge the gap between our worlds, to help them reclaim their place in history, or perhaps, to protect their secrets forever